Status Report: Week Twenty-Three (All About E3)

It’s almost here! In less than a week, we get our first E3 2017 presser by way of EA on Saturday the 10th! To say I’m on the E3 hype train would be an understatement. It’s basically all I can think about. I’m excited to see more of what we are expecting, but it’s what we aren’t expecting that has my mind flapping around like a giant bat.

The surprises of E3 are some of the best parts. For me, at any rate.

This past week I was able to play a little Destiny here and there, but I also had a nasty health setback that lasted a few days. I may not be playing as much or as often as I’d like, but to be playing at all is a wonderful thing. I do think it’s a bit funny in a year heaping with new releases that I’m basically playing a game I’ve sunk hundreds of hours into already. This week I’m hoping to play a few of the smaller titles I’ve been wanting to get to (e.g.: What Remains of Edith Finch), but it’s after E3 that I’m planning on tackling some of the larger games of 2017 that have escaped me until now (e.g.: Yakuza 0). I really do believe (next to Halloween) E3 is my very favorite time of year. It’s the one week we get to see what the coming landscape of games will look like, and that’s so exciting I feel like I could burst.

I mean, I hope I don’t, because that would be very gross and likely fatal, but you understand what I mean.

Sometime this week I will also hopefully get to a task I’ve got a wee bit of experience with: changing out a hard drive in a PS4. My partner uses his system for a lot of downloadable titles and the 500GB hard drive hasn’t been cutting it. I’ve got the 2TB drive all ready to go, I just need to download the OS to a USB drive and then back up his saves and: bingo! Increased space! I mean, sure I know you can use an external drive now, but this seemed just as easy to do. I did it back when I replaced my launch PS4 a couple of years ago, and it was far simpler than I’d initially thought.

On a silly tech note, I think I’m going to need to replace both my PS4 controllers. Neither seems to hold the same charge they used to (and they are both only a couple of years old), and that’s a bit of an expensive disappointment.

And, in other news, I feel oddly hopeful. I’m not sure how to explain it specifically, and I’m not even sure if I mean health-wise or writing-wise or anything-I-can-put-my-finger-on-wise. I just feel hopeful. And, after months of being sick and miserable, hopeful is a welcome feeling. I don’t know if it’s being brought on by the approach of E3 and all that comes with it, or if my body is just telling me it’s ready to get better. Maybe it’s both? I don’t know. But I’m excited to find out.

Also, in a somewhat rare occurrence, there will be a bonus post tomorrow. A bit of a milestone that I’m excited to share.

With that I ask: what are you hoping to play in the five days leading up to E3? On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being not interested at all, 10 being fully on the hype train), how excited for E3 are you?

14 replies »

  1. E3 is approaching fast! Cannot wait for sunday! I’m already having dreams about Geoff Keighley presenting stuff! I really enjoy his youtube coverage.

    Until then, I’ll be playing Nier Automata! Really cool game!

    And Go Rebekah Go! Never lose hope!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know, right?! Five more days!! Oh, where can you watch Geoff Keighley’s coverage?

      I’m glad you are enjoying it! I am excited to start in on it this summer.

      Aw, thank you. I’m focused on doubling down with my determination to get over this nonsense. ALL SICKNESS MUST GO! :)


  2. I’m excited! I rarely have the opportunity to watch the pressers live and I’m hoping that I can at least catch Microsoft’s on Sunday and maybe a couple over the week. It’s hard to watch the pressers after the fact because by then I’ve seen all of the headlines and the breathless anticipation is gone. Last year I was convinced that Microsoft’s Scorpio would release with VR capability for the Oculus and/or Rift. Now, with VR having fallen flat I’m not sure if that’s still a major selling point. I’m pulling for Microsoft to reveal a system selling game. I

    Congrats on feeling like you can take on the world! Go for it and enjoy the feeling. Play whatever games make you happy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh I hope you get to see Microsoft’s presser, too! And I bet they have at least ONE major game we haven’t heard about yet. Phil Spencer knows what people want for the system, and while backwards compatibility is awesome, the One needs new games.

      Thank you! I feel like I can double down on my commitment to getting better…so I’m going to! I WILL NOT BE THIS ILLNESS!! :)


  3. I’m beyond excited for E3, as always. Over the past few days I’ve spent a good amount of time just daydreaming about all the things that the show may have in store for us. The hype is real!

    It’s good to hear that you are enjoying a hopeful outlook on things. I find that positive thinking can really make a world of difference.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have, too! Oh man, I am swimming around in the hype. Just today, Kojima said Death Stranding won’t be at E3, but I’m kind of wondering if that’s a Kojima tactic. Either way, it’s going to be AMAZING.

      I am feeling weirdly hopeful. It’s far preferable to the abject hopelessness I had been in the middle of. In this case, I’m not sure my outlook will cure me, but it certainly may make the situation at large less sh*tty. :)


  4. I’m looking forward to E3 mostly due to what could possibly be coming after the amazing year of games we’ve had so far. Big titles I hope to hear more about are Red Dead Redemption 2, the new God of War, Crackdown 3 and hopefully something more about Shenmue 3 and Cuphead on the indie side.

    I’m glad to hear you’re feeling an overall happy and hopeful vibe and I hope this is a sign of positive change for your health and everything else!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh man, those potential surprises could be AMAZING. I’m interested in all those titles, too! Though I am starting to think Cuphead is a myth. :)

      I really am trying. I’m just trying to make some small but practical changes to see if that garners improvement. Here goes!


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