June Game Challenge: Week One (A Remaster Bonanza!)

dead island riptide palms cover

Okay, so, obviously it isn’t June quite yet, but a couple more sleeps and it will be! This month’s game challenge sort of created itself, and I’m looking forward to diving in to all the gaming goodness.

borderlands handsome collection logo

A while back I started yet another playthrough of Borderlands 2 with some friends and, for whatever reason, we stalled out around level 12. We made plans to start back in on it this coming week and I’m pretty darn excited. I haven’t played through it via The Handsome Collection yet, so this should be a good time all around.

In between sessions with those fine folks, I hope to continue playing more Overwatch! I really enjoy it, but I do have to say that I enjoy it far more with a friend. I’ve exchanged PlayStation IDs with several people from a gaming group I belong to, but I have yet to connect with any of them (which, frankly, bums me out a bit). I’m hoping that changes this week. I’d love to start building up some online connections.

After Borderlands 2 wraps up, it will be E3! I will be “covering” the pressers, and I’m super looking forward to the mayhem that is E3.

dead island definitive collection logo

After E3, I will be splashing around in the Dead Island: Definitive Collection with two friends; one of whom I play a lot of online co-op with, the other who I have never played anything with before! I have a special fondness for the Dead Island games. They are glitchy as heck, but completely engaging. And, as I’ve said historically, I’m a sucker for a tropical location. I actually remember very little about the first game, and only a bit about the second. I do recall with Dead Island: Riptide that I had a reaction to it that I’ve never had to another game before or since: I felt ill from the excessive head bob motion. The person I played it with also had a similar reaction, and he had no history of such a thing, either. To get through the game, I started taking motion sickness medication before each session, which helped dramatically.

I don’t get motion sickness in reality. I also don’t feel ill from games. This isolated incident has always made me wonder. Perhaps the remaster will allow me to turn off the head bob entirely? I can only hope. One thing that I find odd is that on Xbox One, all content is on the disk. On PS4, the first game is on the disc, and the second must be downloaded. That’s a bit of a disappointment, but what can you do?

So, as you can see, June will be chock full of remasters. Even though I’ve played through the entirety of Borderlands 2 at least a dozen times, I’m always game to do it again. As for the Dead Island games, it’s been long enough since my last playthroughs that the experiences will, no doubt, feel fresh all over again. The bits and pieces I remember are few and far between.

What’s on your menu for June? What are your thoughts on E3 now that we are just weeks away?

10 replies »

  1. Was there no option in Dead Island Riptide to turn off the head-bob? That seems like one of the first things that would be included if a designer played through the game.

    Also, I’m ready to get extremely hyped about games that won’t release for another 3 years.


  2. I need to pick up Overwatch sometime this week and I’m really looking forward to you’re E3 coverage.


  3. I’m so excited, and I seem to be having trouble concealing it. I feel an impending loss of control, yet I also feel I won’t be averse to it.


  4. E3
    Tom Clancy
    Ghost Recon Wildlands
    Would you be willing to spend a few extra minutes there for me?
    Do they hand out any promo items at E3? Or, are there any souvenirs for sale?
    Keep up the good work.


    • Oh, perhaps I wasn’t clear; I won’t actually BE at E3, but I will be “covering” the press conferences via the livestreams. But, yes, if there is more news on Wildlands, I will report on it!

      I’m actually not sure about the latter questions. I’ve never been able to attend E3, so I’m unsure. I would assume there are some things for sale…?


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