August Game Challenge: Week One (I Get Knocked Down, But I Get Up Again…)

until dawn dollhouse

August greetings, friends!

Another month, another game challenge. Here’s hoping I am far more successful at this one than the last.

I am adapting last month’s game challenge and I have a feeling this one is far more doable: my primary goal is to complete Until Dawn (which releases on the 25th) at least once. This I am unconcerned about completing, as it’s been my most anticipated game of 2015 for a good long while. If there is a midnight release, I will be there.

I’m so excited it’s ridiculous.

My second goal is to at least finish the first Fatal Frame. I can’t explain my impasse in finishing it, but I have to assume it’s because it freaks me out.

That’s sort of ridiculous.

So in addition to finishing those two games this month, I have another goal, one I hope to implement over the long term.

Many times I recognize all the games I have that I want to play. The backlog struggle is real. But I often ask myself: what am I waiting for? Why should I wait to have these experiences I not only want to have, but have all necessary items to have?

I am not using the time in my life responsibly. And that needs to change.

My long term goal is to be more proactive and jump into new gaming experiences with more dedication. I don’t want to look back over the course of a day/week/month/year with any sort of gaming regret. I’m not getting any younger. It’s time to step up to the plate and make the most of what I have.

In yet another goal, I’d super duper really like to get back, at least in part, to the Witcher 3. I put it aside until a specific patch was released, and that was quite a while ago. I know it’s daunting to jump back in to a deep game, but I can’t wait. I’ve recently done that with Pokemon X (I think I can complete it this week if I hunker down), and even though there was a serious period of confusion over where I was, what I was doing, and where I needed to go, I’m now having a ton of fun with it again. I’ve been spending an excessive amount of time at the Battle Chateau getting various Pokemon leveled up, but soon I will need to take my Pokecrew on the road and finish all my gym battles. Several of my Pokemon are level 70 and above, and unless the game scales to them, I have a feeling there won’t be much of a challenge involved.

Oh well. I’m having fun. That’s what matters!

I would like to complete several other games this month, but I want to be practical and at least be successful with these goals before I lay out more. I also want to make sure my slate is “clean” for the release of Until Dawn. The closer we get to release, the more jazzed I get.

Jazz hands!

(Okay, not really. I’m typing and it’s difficult to both type and do jazz hands at the same time.)

What about you? Do you have any gaming goals for the month of August? What games are you playing during these exceedingly hot weeks of summer?

And with that, I leave you with this anthem to stir inspiration:

5 replies »

  1. I’ve recently been playing MKX and I just started the most recent episodes of game of thrones and life is strange.


  2. “The backlog struggle is real” Have truer words ever been spoken? I guess typed, would be more appropriate. I’m right there with you. I love games. I’m excited for games. I buy games. I don’t play games? It’s time to play! I’m okay with being behind a bit, especially when so many of the games I’m excited for are massive open-world affairs likely in need of many patches anyway. But I still need to complete or otherwise put games behind me at a frequency close to that of the release on new ones or I’ll always be buried. I have to keep telling myself, “just pick up the controller and press start, the game will take care of the rest”.

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