Status Report: Week 42 (SAMESAMESAME)

I’m using the same picture from last week’s status report because I’ve been a total dud and played nothing but…

You guessed it; Destiny 2. Even then, I’ve not played a whole lot of it. I’ve been feeling exceptionally lousy (physically), and between that and being medicated for it, I’ve been little more than a couch barnacle.

So, I’ve composed an incredibly stupid rhyme for this week. I hope you like/tolerate it:

I’ve played nothing new so far
Do dah
Do dah

I played no new games last week
Oh de do dah DAY

Yes I’m very laaame
I’ve been lame each day

I wish this wasn’t how I am
But all I’ve played is the SAME


See? Terrible, no?

As I write this, it’s 3am. It’s the wee hours of the night/morning and I’m still awake and I can already tell I will feel worse when I wake up (what a fun premonition), so I’m going to go try to sleep now.

I wish myself good luck with that.

I’d love to tell you my gaming plans for the week. I’d love to make anything happen OTHER than Destiny 2, but I have no guarantees; the Festival of the Lost starts on Tuesday and since I adore Halloween, I will very likely be plopping down some time for it.

This rut runs deep.

With that I ask: what will YOU be playing this week? I’d love to hear all about your gaming exploits since mine are in a state of weird same same sameness.

Please be safe out there, friends. Cheers.

4 replies »

  1. Nothing wrong with a bit of gaming “comfort food” when you’re feeling low either mentally or physically (or both!) I know a number of people who find Destiny or games like it to be eminently suitable for this purpose. The other games will still be there ready for you when you’re in the mood :)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Been meandering my way thru Spiderman. Not sure what to make of it just yet. Still in the opening hours. I like the webswinging; the combat is ok; nothing spectacular, imho!

    Liked by 1 person

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