Status Report: Week 46 (Thumbs Down)

Over the past week, between my injured left thumb and my need to sleep significantly more, I didn’t play nearly as much as I’d have liked. The end of the year is fast approaching, and, at this point, I have no idea how I will craft a top ten list; I’ve missed far too much this year due to my ridiculous health situation.


I’m committed to really digging in and making progress. So much so, that I’m crafting a schedule to make those strides.

We’ll see how that goes.

I was farting around on the PlayStation Store over the weekend, and I found a game called Frisky Business. I thought the title was so silly, I had to watch the trailer. Of course part of it had to take place in an amusement park (my weakness!), and the rest of it looks pretty over the top, so I bought it in, and hopefully I can play a little of that here and there this week. Something about it reminds me of Hatoful Boyfriend, but that doesn’t make sense because so far, I’ve seen no evidence of birds. Perhaps it’s the absurdity level.

One thing I did spend time with was Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Holy moly; I’ve been sucked right back in. I love seeing my townsanimals, I love puttering around my town, and I’m enjoying the new additions that Welcome Amiibo brings (the campground, the new storage addition, daily tasks for MEOW coupons, and the ease of moving things around interior spaces). I forgot just how soothing Animal Crossing can be. I don’t even feel bad for playing it when I know I should be catching up on all the amazing 2017 releases.

Speaking of those 2017 releases, the one that looms largest is Persona 5, as I know it will be the longest (hour-wise) to complete. I kind of want to just start with that and knock it out if I can. Once that’s out of the way, I think everything else is short by comparison. Also, with so many people back into Horizon: Zero Dawn due to the DLC that released last week, I find myself wanting to play that, too. Never mind wanting to finish Wolfenstein: The New Order, so I can roll into The New Colossus. I’m also super excited to play Assassin’s Creed: Origins; the locations alone are calling out to me. And then I think of all the downloadable titles I’d like to get to, and my mind starts spinning trying to figure out what game to play next.

I know, I know, the basest of first world problems. I’d just love to have a somewhat informed opinion when it comes to making a top ten list for 2017. No matter how it shakes out, it’s going to be rough.

So, today, my focus (if my thumb will allow me to play) will be Wolfenstein. If I can’t seem to play it, I will try one of the downloadable titles that doesn’t require such rigorous movement with the left thumbstick.

What are you hoping to play this week?

12 replies »

  1. I’m in full-on Wolfenstein mode. Gonna play the heck out of that game, and then convince myself that the Platinum isn’t worth it.

    If you DO get to New Colossus, just a heads up – there’s a scene in the beginning that is going to wreck you emotionally.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve seen the requirements for the plat and I can say (for me) that plat isn’t worth it if only for the one bronze trophy for playing the game on hard with no saves.

      I’ve been trying to avoid spoilers, but I believe I saw the thread where you and a couple other people were talking about something involving a dog. Already my hackles were up, no pun intended.


      • Yeah, the game wasn’t easy, and I was only playing it on “medium” difficulty… That trophy seems almost impossible. It might be the second time I just decided it wasn’t worth it and walked away.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I saw a couple of things about the courthouse (which I have no real frame of reference for since I haven’t played it yet) that have me concerned, but I’m still looking forward to it. If the difficulty spike is too frustrating, I have no issue with taking it down to easy to keep the game going.


  2. Heyo!

    That’s one of the reasons I’m starting to dislike GotY talks…I usually don’t play everything I want in the year. Most of games I play overall are older games. I wish I could declare Parappa the Rapper 2 my GotY of 2001, but I played this 16 years too late!

    But talking about 2017 releases, I’m playing Super Lucky’s Tale and I’m loving it! It’s easy, but it’s so fun to play and it’s super cute! It has a lovable chill vibe. It’s so good playing a video game having zero stress for once. It’s a really simple game and I understand they criticism about it, but I still think the 64 rating on metacritic is too low. One of my favorite games this year.

    I’m also playing lots of Football Manager 2018 and I was playing Darksiders 2 before Super Lucky’s Tale and I’ll get back to it after I finish my furry adventure. I’m liking it, but I think Darksiders 1 was a better game.

    Enjoy your week! I hope you find the time to play lots of game! Get well soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello, Sergio!

      I hear you, there. As the years go by, this will be a more and more difficult situation. So many more games are being made now than in years past and we will never catch up. Why not make two 2017 lists? One for the 2017 releases and one for every game you played during the year regardless of release? Both sound fun to me!

      I’m so glad you are enjoying Super Lucky’s Tale! Playing a game with no stress is such a refreshing change.

      I hope you keep enjoying Lucky and Football Manager! And thank you! I am working on feeling better but holy good gravy, this year has thrown me for a big ol’ loop. But I am DETERMINED to game like crazy this week!


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