Status Report: Week Twenty-Five (Uphill Climb)

I should be clear from the get go: this post has nothing to do with Kirby, but I came across the above image and it was too adorable not to use. So there he is.

I skipped last week’s Status Report due to the craziness that is E3, but now it’s back, in the calm after the storm.

This past week and weekend, I was in rough shape, health-wise. Some extreme (and prolonged) nausea (and some various other nasties) plagued me over the weekend and all I could do was sleep. Well, when I could actually sleep that is. So it’s been a bit of a struggle.


I was able to write about each of the pressers of E3 as well as the Destiny 2 beta, and I was also able to play some Destiny over the past week, so I’d call that a win. Physically I may be a mess, but I’m working on being productive again.

I’ve been chipping away at my Age of Triumph book in Destiny, and, honestly, I have no idea why. The benefit of completing it is to obtain the Age of Triumph t-shirt, however I’m not super keen on the design, so at this point, it’s an arbitrary goal. But, at the end of the day, I just love playing Destiny, and I’m glad to be playing anything. Again, I’d call this a win.

I’ve also been dabbling here and there with Friday the 13th (the game). I’m not good at it, and I seem to have been on the end of some incredibly unlucky spawn points, but it’s still a fun game, and I’m looking forward to playing more of it as time permits. I’ve been playing it with a friend, and I’ve been able to spectate some hilarious moments (after I’ve died again, of course), such as he and Jason merrily playing ring around the couch for a hilariously long time.

This week, I’m hoping to dive in to a new game. Up there on my list: Wolfenstein: The New Order, Tales From the Borderlands, Prey, and Far Cry: Primal. I have no idea why those are the ones on my mind, but they are and I’m hoping to start making some real progress with gaming again. As much as I love Destiny, I’m sure everyone would like to read about more than just my ridiculous affection for the game.

Just know: I’m working on it.

I think I’m leaning towards Prey as it’s newer and I’m so behind with 2017 releases already, it would be good to start the catch up process there. But then I start thinking about all the smaller games that have released this year, and I wonder if I should knock some of those out first.

What a delicious problem to have. A spoil of digital riches and I don’t know where to start. It’s like a buffet of games and I’m a ravenous, ravenous water horse.

With that I ask: what will you be playing this week? Are there any new releases you are looking forward to?

23 replies »

  1. Don’t forget Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture!

    I know, I know, I beat you over the head with that game a lot. I just want to know what you think of it.

    Also excited to hear what you have to say about Wolfenstein.

    Have I mentioned I like Wolfenstein?! :-)


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good list of games to play. Can’t miss with any of them.

    This weekend I finished this FMV game called The Infectious Madness of Dr. Dekker…super cheesy game where you interview a lot of people and you have to trigger the right words and themes. Kind of fun but not great game, imo. I saw in a Giant Bomb quick look and couldn’t pass. It was an okay time.

    I’m playing a lot of Football Manager and started Dead Rising 4 now. I have a few games in my backlog too…I want to play Bayonetta or Prince of Persia(2008) next. And steam sale is right around the corner! Oh noooo…

    Now I cannot wait for the end of the month! Crash N. Sane Collection AND vacation? I’ll play so much Crash!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh FMV games. They are such an odd breed of games. I just love how awkward they can be.

      I’m sorry it was only okay, but glad you tried it out.

      Oh man, how is Dead Rising 4? I’ve also been meaning to go back and play Bayonetta!

      Oh god, the Steam sale…

      Heck yeah! I hope you have the best vacation!


      • I’m enjoying Dead Rising 4…I know a lot of the older fans of the series dislike it, but I don’t have problems with the lack of timer and other stuff. I’m feeling it’s a bit easier than 3, but also less clunky overall, imo…which is my main problem with the series, i tried to play 2 a few times but it always feel so clunky. I still want to complete 2 some day, though.It’s a nice game to break from traditional shooters.

        I also love all the christmas and lobby music this game has!

        And thanks!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Those all sound like positive improvements over the other entries in the series. I love how gonzo it looks. I will always be a fan of irreverent holiday silliness. :)


  3. I dabbled in Mass Effect Andromeda over the weekend. I simply drove around planets completing quests. I’ve too many deadlines to be able to peacefully play. Perhaps this week I’ll jump into a few Overwatch matches or make progress in Ori and the Blind Forest. I too want to play Destiny if only to soak up the atmosphere before it becomes obsolete. I didn’t spend much time in Rise of Iron because the newness worse off pretty quickly and I found myself in the same loops that I’d been in preparing for Rise of Iron. Let’s see what adventures this week brings!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, I’m sorry. But I am glad you got a chance to play.

      If you play Ori please let me know what you think of it. I’ve wanted to play it for ages.

      As much as I love Destiny I was a little disappointed in Rise of Iron. But I could not be more excited for Destiny 2!


  4. Not playing much here. In the process of moving. 😆 I’ll be playing Injustice 2. I have Uncharted: LL & Knack 2 to reserve. Rebekah, glad to hear your progressing, even if it’s miniscule. 😆👍👍

    Liked by 1 person

      • It is, thanks! In your area, do you have cable or satellite? Do you prefer Netflix or Hulu? Thinking about getting one or the other; not sure which is for me. I’m leaning towards Netflix due to variety in shows, series, etc. Thoughts?

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  5. For some reason I just can’t get through Prey. I’m still pretty much at the start ahahaha and my girlfriend keeps pestering me to finish it so she can talk about it with me. I’m so enthralled with ESO at the moment! Oh and Paladins. Btw I’m glad you are getting better :)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw nuts, really? Do you think you will keep trying to push through it?

      I’m glad you are enjoying Elder Scrolls and Paladins, though!

      And I’m working on it. I’m not sure I’m getting anywhere, but I’m working on it. Thank you. :)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah I am so intrigued with Prey and I think it will get more thrilling once I get past the first Phantom ahahaha. ESO is the best thing ever :’) Just keep at it and eventually you will get there!! :D

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I recently completed (well, hit 100% anyway) on my AoT book! I feel totally accomplished, and laugh about how let down I will be once my t-shirt arrives. Like you, I’m really not too keen on the design but, dang gummit, i’ve been playing since Beta and I’ll be damned if i don’t complete at least ONE record book before the end!

    As for new releases, I’m actually taking a step back for the time being since I FINALLY pulled the trigger for a PS4. To start my PS gaming, I’ve just completed The Last Guardian and plan on picking something else up later today.

    See you in the Tower! Er, Io? Maybe?

    Liked by 1 person

    • HELL yeah!! Nice job! I am at 99% right now, so hopefully I can finish mine off today! I’ve also been playing since the Alpha/Beta, and this feels like a nice celebrations of those hundreds of hours. :)

      Hey, congrats on your PS4! It’s a great system and I hope you enjoy it.

      Indeed! Cheers!


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