? (Or, ???)

So here’s a confession: some days I have no idea what to write.

I try to preventatively counteract this by sending myself messages anytime I have a particularly functional idea, or when something is interesting to me. If I still come up empty on a writing day, I go back through past ideas I’ve had, and I am usually inspired and another idea materializes.

Most of the time.

Today, I thought I was going to write about a weird email I received from Amazon regarding Red Dead Redemption 2. Basically, as most of you know, when a game doesn’t have a solid release date, the general placeholder of “December 31, 2017” (insert applicable year, here) is listed.

Yesterday I received an email stating the release date had been changed…to December 31, 2018. It had me wondering if an announcement about a delay had been made and I just hadn’t seen it. I did some research online but couldn’t find anything about a potential delay. If anything, I found that a September release is the current rumor.

So that was kind of a non-thing.

Then I thought about writing about E3, but the full presser schedule still isn’t out, so that felt a bit premature. I will certainly be “covering” it again this year (third year running!), but I still want to formulate how I will be going about it.

So, another non-thing.

Also, today is a bit of a rough day. To be really honest, it’s been a strange and confusing week. I am usually able to shake things, particularly so I can write on my regular schedule (never missed a day!), but today just feels…heavy.

Several times this week I’ve had to remind myself that kindness is a choice (for some it is inherent, and I love that). Grace is a learned trait. I’ve had to remind myself to breathe and to take things in stride. I’ve had at least one personal (and potentially spirit-crushing) setback, but I keep going. Perhaps that’s really my gift: that I keep going. It’s just not in my nature to give up on something I believe in. It’s why I still write on my regular schedule. It’s why I still foster certain dreams that lie dormant (perhaps dormant is the incorrect word). I am fortunate to have someone who believes in me, and I never ever take that for granted.

Okay. I’m rambling. It’s that kind of day.

I know I’m not a great writer; I am serviceable. But I strongly feel that, with enough practice and drive, perhaps I can get there. One day. I’m not even sure I’ve gotten better since I created this website years ago, but that could also be because I’m too close to it. I started writing about games because I wanted to connect with people about something I love that I feel transcends barriers. I stand behind that. I love that I get to connect with each of you about this thing that we love. I consider myself truly fortunate for that.

So, in essence, today is a thank you to you. It’s a miracle how anyone finds anyone else to connect with, and I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful I am that you have chosen to take time from your life to be here. Time is the most valuable thing we have, and I take that seriously. I hope to make your time here worthwhile.

I’m sorry today’s piece was less about games, but I just felt I wanted to take the opportunity to get current and let each of you know how much I appreciate you and your support of what I’m trying to do. Or perhaps I’m doing it? Either way, thank you. I’d give each of you a hug if I could.

With that I ask: what will you be playing this weekend? As always, I love to hear what games are on your plate, radar, or wish list.

Cheers, friends.

14 replies »

  1. I just discovered your blog, and I’m very impressed by the quality of writing. Don’t get discouraged – we all have bad days and weeks. Focus on the small positives when you can, and just keep on going!


    • Aw, thank you, truly. That’s really kind of you.

      As for the discouraged part…that’s a fun little roller coaster. In the years I’ve been doing this, I’ve had a few highs, but more often there have been lows. I keep going through them, but they do exist. I just have to keep on trucking. So on I truck. :)

      Thank you for being here!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for taking the time to write this blog regularly! I really enjoy the writing and the mix between games and day-to-day stuff. It’s refreshing, I think.

    I’m already excited for E3! So many games already announced that I can’t wait to see more, and endless possibilities of new stuff to be revealed! It’s is one of my favorites times in the year…I love being HYPED for new games, and E3 is just the perfect place for it. I’m hype-train mode all week during E3.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, thank you, Sergio! I hope to get back to better content sooner than later. Not being able to play games for so long has severely impacted what I write.

      Oh man, me too! I LOVE the surprises. I can’t wait to see what gets announced. I am also full on board the hype train that whole week. And honestly, probably the entire week before. It’s just crazy wonderful.


  3. I share the sentiments that Colton has already expressed. I can say that your style has progressed since I have started following your blog. I like the direct prose in that you have something for everyone; you reply in kind to everyone’s comment as you see fit. :)
    I plan to finish Andromeda in the next week or so. I am looking to Injustice 2 next as the next game I play.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, thank you, Richard! I do try to write as conversationally as possible and I really do make an effort to respond to every comment! I mean, if someone takes the time to not only read something but to comment on it, I absolutely will reciprocate. :)

      I hope you are able to finish Andromeda soon!


  4. My good thoughts continue for your improved health! And whatever life event occurred for you this past week, I wish you the absolute best in continuing to move forward. I know that it’s not always easy. You do a wonderful job writing and I look forward to your posts. I’m blearily recovering from weeks or months of work deadlines with a new batch not too far away (my job is investigating cases of housing discrimination). I had a day off last week and after I napped I played the Prey demo then a bit of Mass Effect Andromeda and Season 3 of The Walking Dead. I’m not sure what I’ll play this weekend but I’m glad to have time to play, I’m tempted to buy Prey due to it’s hybrid play style of BioShock and Half Life with Dishonored art styles.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! And thank you. I’m just trying to keep on trucking even though this truck is moving slow.

      Aww, thank you so much. That’s really kind.

      How interesting! Seriously, your job fascinates me. I’m glad people have you to look out for them.

      Good gravy! You have a LOT of games on your plate! I hope you are able to play as many as you hope to. You deserve it!


  5. Bad days are like getting stuck in the mud. It sucks! The situation comes in at a loss.
    Loss of :
    And sometimes, one may go a little bonkers.
    Then Victory! (Cue the choir of angels to sing)!
    Then help arrives.
    Help from inside your own mind. Or, in the form of a friend, or stranger.
    Even though getting stuck in the mud may peg the suck meter all the way into the red, it doesn’t last forever.
    It’s just fuel for sitting around a camp fire sipping on a cold one chewing the fat with friends.
    Or, all alone you raise a glass to someone who left this world all to soon.
    Out with the bad, in with the good.
    I admire your optimism, and positivity.
    Keep it up. You are a talented writer.
    “Do not let the bastards get you down.”
    You are in my thoughts & prayers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well said, thank you. Sometimes it just feels like I’ve always been sick and that I will always BE sick, even though logically I know that isn’t likely the case.

      Either way, thank you.


  6. I alway love reading your blog, even though are gaming interests differ. Because you let yourself shine through in your pieces. And I for one am always interested in the person behind the games!

    Liked by 1 person

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