Tuesday Rituals

7 days to die

As some of you know, I have various rituals for various video game moments. Before E3 each year I go into a flurry of cleaning and organizing. When a major new release comes out, I make sure the deck is clear to play it. But I realized today that my most frequent video game ritual happens every Tuesday.

Each Tuesday around 14:00, I go straight to the PlayStation store. I methodically look at all the new releases (in case a game has crept below my radar). Then I look at all the deals for that week. Then I look at all the new add-ons. Then I look at all the PS2 for PS4 titles. Then I look at all the new avatars and themes (even though I never buy them).

This all happens every Tuesday and often takes no more than a minute or two.

Then I repeat a very similar process on my Vita (which, I know, is a bit laughable). Occasionally I will boot up the Xbox One and do the same thing.

I realize this is a bit neurotic, and yet I love it. I love looking at all the new experiences lined up and ready for people to play. It often reminds me of how much I love video games and how there really are games for everyone.

Oh! And of course there is always the fun of the free games each month on PlayStation Plus and Games with Gold. The offerings may not always be to my taste, but I’ve played some wonderful games via these programs that I may never have otherwise ended up with.

To branch off for a moment, I really do love both of the aforementioned programs (PS Plus and Gold). Just last night I reminded myself to download one of the Games with Gold titles this month (The Crew), as it’s a game I played the demo for, but never bought. If I didn’t log in to the system to check things so methodically, I might have missed it.

Okay, that’s probably a lie; I have Google Alerts set up for both PlayStation Plus and Games with Gold.

I like being on top of situations.

Perhaps setting up Google Alerts is another ritual I have for games I’m interested in. What can I say? I like my game news and I don’t want to miss anything important. Google Alerts are great for that. It’s like having a newspaper that’s all about things you like, delivered fresh! I roll mine into a digest so I get all my alerts in one shot each morning.

It’s a great way to start the day.

Back to rituals.

I have many in relation to video games. Even down to dusting all my game guides when I decide to reference one in particular.

As you may have been able to tell, I’m a huge proponent of cleanliness and organization. When things are clean and organized, it’s easier to focus on any task at hand, whether it’s writing, a game, or any other dedicated activity.

With that I ask: do you have any gaming related rituals? Any specific things you do before a big release? Or in general? Any rituals you have while you are actively playing a game? I’d love to hear about it.

5 replies »

  1. It’s so cool to hear how you describe your gaming rituals, they are like word pictures, the fun, before the fun, in and of the game.
    I hope to see you in Sanctuary.


    • Wow, that’s high praise! I like the idea of making word pictures. I even just like the SOUND of word pictures.

      I’m sure I will see you online sooner than later. To the Borderlands!

      P.S. Do YOU have any gaming rituals?


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